You Are Redeemed

“But now, this is what the Lord says – he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.’” Isaiah 43:1

            Have you ever felt far from God and don’t know how to get back? Do you ever think that your sin has driven a wedge between you and God? Maybe you feel that you’ll never be as close to God as some other person. Or you were once close but now sense a distance between you and think your relationship will never be as close as it once was. Then this verse is for you! It follows a recitation of all of Israel’s sins against God. It talks about how they turned away from Him in so many ways. Then comes that wonderful, delightful word that begins chapter 43: “But…” God doesn’t ignore our sin. He doesn’t pretend it didn’t happen and he definitely doesn’t downplay it and make it less awful than it actually is.

            First, He reminds us that He’s the One who created us. The word translated “create” can mean to create out of nothing, as when He formed us in our mothers’ wombs. It can also mean to recreate, as when He gave us new life in His Son. So this verse confirms that He created us just the way He wants us, and then He recreated us into the image of His Son. And He continues to recreate and reform us each day.

            Part of that recreating is to redeem us. Because He doesn’t ignore our sin, He paid for it. He paid the price to free us from the sin that held us in slavery. I know it doesn’t always seem like it. I have times when I feel as if I just can’t break free of whatever sin is holding me captive. How can I say I’ve been redeemed when I still feel trapped by a certain sin? That’s a huge question that can’t be answered in this short space, but part of the answer is that it’s my perception. God has forgiven me. In His eyes, it’s paid for, erased. It’s the enemy that loves to make me think that I’m still in bondage to the sin. The truth is, we’re free! Since God is our creator, He knows exactly how He created us to be. And He has done the work to set us free from sin and is lovingly and carefully remolding us into the very person He knows we can be.

            One more thing I want to point out: this is very personal. These statements also apply to the church at large, but don’t miss the fact that He called you. You personally. Just you. He even used your name. That’s a beautiful thing! You are His. You have been redeemed. You have been forgiven. You have been freed. You. Let the thanksgiving and praise flow from your heart to the heart of our wonderful, personal God!