To Be Used by God

“All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”  Psalm 139:16

            This has long been a favorite verse of mine. In fact, if I had to pick a favorite chapter of the Bible, it just might be Psalm 139. It assures us that God made us just the way He wanted us to be, that anywhere we go, He is there, that He knows us more fully than we know ourselves. And yet, He still loves us. What a comfort each one of those thoughts is to me! Nothing about the way I was created was a mistake. No one has ever heard God say, “Oops!”  That just doesn’t happen, whether it’s the body shape He gave you, or the personality, or the timing of when you were born. We won’t get to heaven and hear God apologize for the nose He gave us or that He meant for us to be born in the 1500’s.

            As much as I’ve loved this chapter, God has started to show me something new in this verse. It may sound like splitting hairs, but it has put things in a new light for me. This verse has always comforted me during tough times because I can know that God knew what was coming, even if I didn’t. He has prepared me to face whatever difficulties come my way. I still believe that and still find comfort in that, but there’s more to the story. This view is pretty self-centered. God prepared me. He planned for me to face the trial. This view is all about me. What I’ve begun to see is that God has me placed in the situation I’m in right now. Whatever it is, good or bad. I’m sure He wants to teach me something and grow me through difficulties. But is it possible that He ordained this particular situation to include me because He wants to use me in the situation? Did He make me exactly the way I am because He knew this situation was going to need exactly that personality?

            I guess you could argue that this is still about me, but it’s a different focus. Instead of concentrating on the fact that God has prepared me to face whatever comes along, this focus has me asking how God wants to use me in this situation. Instead of wondering how I’m going to make it through, it has me wondering how God can and will use the unique creation He made me to be. What situation are you in? Are you in a good place? Just wait – difficulties will come. Are you going through a tough spot? Just wait – it will get better. Either way, have you asked God why He ordained that you be in that particular situation in your life? In other words, He has you in that situation to use you. When we allow Him to use us, we are not only a blessing to others but will be incredibly blessed ourselves.