Love Your Neighbor

“If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ you are doing right.” James 2:8

            I’m guessing the verse quoted above is not a big surprise to very many people. Jesus told us that this is the second greatest commandment and that it is like the greatest commandment: to Love God with our whole being. I think that means that we don’t really love God if we don’t also love our neighbor. So how do we love someone? If the feeling of love isn’t there, is that really our fault? I mean, how do you make yourself feel love when that feeling doesn’t naturally come? That’s not what this type of love is like. There is the kind of love that we feel. Then there’s the type of love that’s a choice. In that instance, we may or may not feel the loving feelings. But even if we don’t, we still choose to treat them with dignity, respect, and in the way we would want to be treated.

            There can be many aspects of what that includes, but I want to talk about one of them. I heard it said once that when we choose to love someone, we choose to cover them with silence. In other words, if you know something about someone that may not be complimentary, you choose to not repeat it. It means that we don’t make jokes at another’s expense. We don’t talk negatively about that person. In fact, we don’t even roll our eyes when that person’s name is mentioned.

            There is so much division in our culture right now. So many are loudly proclaiming their opinions on a multitude of subjects. Then those who disagree have to voice their opinions just as loudly, or even louder. And the debate goes back and forth, growing louder and more degrading with each exchange of opinion. We may have started out talking about a particular subject but before long we’ll find ourselves talking about the person with whom we disagree. Because they hold a different opinion, they must be stupid, or uneducated, or if we’re being really nice, we think they’re uninformed. Is it possible that maybe they’re right? Maybe, just maybe, we’re both right. Have we made allowances for different situations in life, or different backgrounds?

            I have a huge challenge for all of us. At least, it’s a huge one for me. Maybe it’ll be easier for you. I’m challenging myself to not say a single derogatory comment about any candidate running for any position right now. I may have a strong opinion on who would be the better choice. Or maybe I don’t like either choice but I think I know who is the lesser of two “evils.” I will pray about the election and I will ask that God’s will be done. But coming up to the election and even after, I will talk only about issues, not people. In addition, I’m challenging myself to not denigrate anyone who thinks another candidate would be the better choice. You think that’s going to be hard? Well, here’s the really hard part. With God’s help, I’m going to try to even change my attitudes toward those who think differently than I. How? By praying for them. Not praying that God would change their mind to agree with me. But praying that God would bless them and that He would show both of us His will. I told you this was a big challenge! Are you in it with me? Let’s try to change the divisiveness in our culture one interaction at a time.