Just Wait

“I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:13, 14

            Does it seem as if there is more evil and less goodness in our world today? We have been hit with several things lately. Globally, we have a pandemic. Nationally, we have race issues that cause division and pain, even death. On top of that is a lot of political mud-slinging that doesn’t seem to do much to solve problems because whatever the problem is, politics tells us it’s always the other person’s fault. On a more personal level, each of these things creates difficulties between people because of staunchly held opinions on everything from face masks to killings. As if all of that weren’t enough, each of us has situations and issues in our own lives that cause pain and heartache. Where is the goodness in people? Does it even exist anymore? Is the badness, or evil, finally overcoming the good?

            These verses from Psalms assure us that goodness still exists. God is good. He is always good. Nothing can ever change that because He is unchangeable. So no matter how evil the world becomes, His goodness will never be diminished one little bit. It will be so wonderful to live in the light of His goodness for all eternity!

            But we don’t need to wait for heaven to see God’s goodness. This verse assures us that we will see His goodness here on earth. We may have to look a little harder than we used to. We may have to peer over and around some of the badness before we see those glimpses of God’s goodness, but it’s there. The crazy thing is, the more we look for the goodness of God, the easier it becomes to see it. It’s almost like seeing one little glimpse of goodness opens our eyes to see another, then another, and still another.

            Do you ever feel like you can’t see anything but evil, wrongs, hurts or pain in your life? Just wait. Ask God to open your eyes to all the good things He has planned just for you. And wait. Still don’t see it? Wait some more. Not only is He good, He’s also faithful. Little by little, He will open our eyes to see the goodness that can only come from Him. Like a light slowly dawning, we’ll begin to see a little bit of good, then more and more. That goodness is worth waiting for!