
“’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord.”  Isaiah 55:8

           God has some amazing ways to pull us up short, doesn’t He? I was recently in a situation that had me feeling discouraged, worn, and full of that kind of self-pity that can so easily lead to self-condemnation. Even as I type these words, I’m shocked that I allowed myself to dwell in such a yucky place. But so often, we move into that place without even realizing that we’ve changed address. And then something happened. It took all of 10 seconds for it to happen, but it pulled me up short and priorities and viewpoints shifted. It was almost a physical feeling of things clicking into place in my mind and in my heart. Those things that had me down were so, well, meaningless. They were nothing more than a vapor when compared to the truly important things that God wants us to spend our time, energy and thoughts on.

            That’s what made me think of this verse. If I had been thinking with God’s mind all along, I wouldn’t have fallen into the pit of self-pity and discouragement. When left to our own devices, we end up digging ourselves into a deeper and deeper hole. The next verse goes on to say that His thoughts are much higher than ours. That’s what we need sometimes, isn’t it? Thoughts that pull us up out of the pit, rather than dragging us further down.

           It’s not just God’s thoughts that are higher. His ways are, too. That word could also be translated as route or journey. Has your life journey been all you would have chosen? Or have there been difficulties that you would have gladly steered around if you had been given the chance? I have to admit that my life has been a lazy day in the park compared with some people I know. Even so, there have been situations I would certainly have chosen to avoid. But God put them in my path, in my way, for a reason. I may be able to see the reason when I look back on them, but I’m guessing even then I only see a fraction of the reason. We won’t know the full story until we reach heaven. And that’s where faith comes in. Do I trust God’s thoughts, the ones that are so high I can’t begin to understand them? Do I trust that even in my lack of understanding, His way for me is always the best way? Am I willing to submit my life to the loving, caring God of the universe, the only One who can see me through those painfully difficult times?