A Resurrection Sunday Follower

“The disciples. . . brought the donkey and the colt, placed their cloaks on them, and Jesus sat on them. A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.” “The chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus executed.” Matthew 21:7. 8; 27:20

            I’m often amazed at how quickly the crowd turned on Jesus. It was only a matter of days between adoration and condemnation. On Sunday, He wrote into Jerusalem while a very large crowd praised Him. By Friday, the crowd was calling for His execution. How can this be? Of course, it’s possible that the two crowds were made up of different people. Maybe those that welcomed Him on Sunday were no where to be found on Friday. Or maybe the Friday crowd was a little peeved at all the to-do made by the Sunday crowd. However, it seems unlikely that it would be a completely new group of people. After all, Jesus had spent the week days teaching in the Temple. He didn’t try to hide. He was very visible all week so His followers had probably been sitting at his feet drinking in His teachings. So why the change?

            I think there are two reasons. One is stated in the verses above. The Friday crowd was being told what to do by the chief priests and the elders. These very important men were basically telling the crowd that they had it all wrong. Jesus wasn’t someone to be praised (so they said). It would be in their best interest to get rid of Jesus, even if it meant pardoning a condemned murderer. And the crowd believed them. Or at least, they acted like they did. It’s hard to know if they obeyed the priests out of fear of what these influential men would do to them if they didn’t, or if they really were convinced that Jesus was a danger to them.

            The other reason may have been that their own attitudes towards Jesus had changed in the intervening days. Before Jesus came to Jerusalem, the people had likely heard of the miracles He had done. Who wouldn’t want to welcome someone who could heal the incurable, feed the masses, and even calm the storms raging around you? Of course He was welcome! But then they listened to His teachings. Things like obedience, and giving up everything for God, and all their good works weren’t good enough. These were some difficult teachings to take to heart! Their Sunday excitement could have very easily died away when they realized that Jesus wasn’t some genie in a lamp come to grant their every wish, and that following Him meant a lot more than just laying branches on the road. It meant laying yourself on the altar.

            What about you? Are you a Palm Sunday follower? You’re happy to follow Christ as long as He grants your every wish. Or are you a Good Friday person? You’re angry with Jesus for all He asks of you and you’re not at all sure He’s worth it. Praise God those aren’t the only two choices! There was also the very small minority of followers who may have faltered during the trials and crucifixion, but they truly believed. If they disappeared into hiding during the horrendous happenings of Good Friday, at least they reappeared later. They came out of hiding, they confronted their fears, they accepted the amazing gifts of God, including the Holy Spirit, and they went on to spread the news of Jesus across the known world. That’s the kind of follower I want to be. A Resurrection Sunday and beyond kind of follower! A follower that knows that no matter how dark things may look here on earth, the battle is already won, the price is already paid, and I’m celebrating every day because I’m spending eternity with the God who loves me enough to pay the highest price for me!