A Harvest of Rejoicing

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

              This can be such an encouraging verse! When we become weary, we can know that God is there to help us. If we look at this verse in context, we see that Paul had just been talking about sin begetting more sin. But if we are following the Spirit we will reap eternal life. The question I have for all of us is, why are we weary? In other words, are we weary in doing good, or are we just weary? Are we weary because we’ve been living in sin in some area of our life? If so, the solution is clear. Ask God to help us overcome that sin. Confess it to Him and truly repent of our ways. Or perhaps we are weary because we’re not taking care of ourselves. Again, the answer is obvious. Eat properly, exercise when possible, and get the sleep we need. Neither of those situations is what this verse is talking about. It’s not even talking about a physical fatigue. It’s talking about the weariness that comes from following the Spirit. And it does come. Someone in full time ministry once told me that he doesn’t become tired of what he does, but he does become weary in what he does.

              What often causes weariness in doing good is not seeing any fruits of our labors. We feed the hungry, and yet hunger still exists. We clothe the poor, but the poor are still among us. We care for those in our immediate circle, and still there are needs to be met. I’m not a numbers person but I sometimes envy those who are because they see results. They add a column of figures and get a total. They work on their bank statement and it actually balances. They see the fruit of their labor. Working with people is so different from that. Sometimes we see progress, but there’s never really an end. No one has ever truly arrived. We keep doing good, and more good, and yet more. And still there are so many unmet needs, both physical and emotional.

              The weariness sets in when we focus on the seeming lack of results. When all we can see is the needs that still exist, we can get to the point where we can barely put one foot in front of the other. That’s where this verse comes in. Take heart! There is a harvest coming. We might not see it until we get to heaven, but God will make sure we get to take part in the harvest for which we have labored. Have you ever been part of a harvest on a farm? It’s not an easy task. It’s hard work! And yet, it’s something to look forward to because it’s the culmination of all the hard work that has taken place up to that point. Well, that’s what’s going to happen for us. We’ll be able to see the culmination, the fruit of all we’ve done. Here’s the really great part. When we’re a part of the harvest, we’ll see that the vast majority of the work has been done by God. He allowed us to help Him in the work but in reality, the work was His. And the fruit will be much greater than what we can imagine. So, when you become weary in doing good, focus your eyes on the upcoming harvest and rejoice!